Closed Tenders
Awarded Tenders
Publication of the Names of Bidders
Offer to Purchase (3) Three Cars / Vehicles
Cancellation of Tender (NCPT/03/2022): Request for proposal for the Provision of Security Guarding Services to the Northern Cape Provincial Treasury for the period of 24 months Cancellation of Tender: NCPT/01/2021: Request for proposals for the appointment of Internal Audit Service Provider to service the Northern Cape Listed Public Entities for the Period of 3 years Cancellation of Tender: (NCPT/01/2020): Request for proposal to render cleaning services for NCPT for 3 years Cancellation of Tenders: Bid Numbers :NCPT/02/2018 and NCPT/03/2018 Cancellation Tender: Bid Number: NCPT/07/2018